Friday, September 26, 2014

Professor Alemão

When I was first introduced to capoeira in 1995, it was largely an unknown art form outside of Brazil. With seemingly little potential I threw myself into this obscure martial art with the intention of "giving it a try". I studied under Mestre Delei who came from Minas Gerais, Brazil to teach in Miami at the time. Soon I was addicted not only to the fluid movements and hypnotizing rhythms but to the history and culture that made capoeira resistant to our changing times. As the world raced forward with technology during the 90's and into the 21st century, capoeira seemingly remained rooted in another time. The suffering inflicted by the transatlantic slave trade gave rise to something so beautiful and powerful that it still captures the hearts of its practitioners around the globe.
       I continued to train and much to my surprise began teaching my own students in 1999. Today I enjoys seeing those students graduate and teach classes themselves. Graduated as a Professor of capoeira in 2006 in Santa Catarina, Brazil, I became known as Professor Alemão. At the time I was one of a very small number of non-Brazilians to have the honor of reaching this level. Fluent in Portuguese and a student of Brazilian culture, I have travelled extensively in Brazil. I encourage my students to travel with me to discover capoeira's origins.
       On November 20, 2011 with the support of my students I founded the Capoeira Superação Arts Consortium with the mission of inspiring a new generation to take up the mantle of capoeira. I define "Superação" as the act of outdoing yourself; surpassing; surmounting; transcending; achieving against all odds. With my students, I join with other professors and mestres to uplift capoeira and demonstrate its power to change lives.
       Capoeira has provided me with the opportunity to travel to Europe, South and Central America, and the Caribbean. I have been featured in print and performed on live television broadcast around the world. But what I still enjoy the most is to see my students find the confidence to achieve what they never thought possible. I currently teach at Florida International University in Miami Florida. I teach beginner, intermediate and advanced classes. I also volunteer as a coach for the FIU Capoeira Sports Club. I am available for private classes and will travel for performances or seminars. Contact me here or for more information on the FIU classes or the club join our group.

- Professor Alemão Superação

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